Construction Progress Continues at the Agriculture Park
The future CCUA production plot has also seen some action. The spring cover crop has been tilled under and the site seeded to a diverse mix of fall-winter cover crops that should be popping up over the coming weeks.
Sad news on our time-lapse camera project... Not long after grading really took off, the power supply to our camera and controller was lost. We have been scrambling to get a new power supply out there to start capturing photos again. A big thank you to Dogwood Solar for loaning us solar panel to get the camera back up and operating. More photos/videos from this camera will be shared soon!
The stage is set for some MAJOR changes to the Agriculture Park this summer/fall. After 3.5 years of planning, design, and fundraising the construction of many items are now underway!
Check out the map below for a quick view of all the improvements slated for 2018.